System manufacturers constantly face competitive pressures and time-to-market constraints while meeting increasing energy restrictions. At the same time, end-users are demanding higher efficiency and lower operating costs. All amidst an ever-present general demand for increased ROI.

Modernizing Modulation

Energy Efficiency at full load (EER) is not always an adequate index to rank real energy consumption. The energy consumption of an air conditioner or heat pump is largely weather dependent. Even more, units are often selected to cover the cooling and/or heating needs during the most critical periods of the year. Therefore they will be over-sized most of the time, and rarely run at full load.


Copeland provides different modulation solutions to make variable capacity air conditioning, heat pumps, and liquid-chiller packages more efficient. Additionally, continuous or step control of the compressor can more closely match the varying load, thus improving system efficiency.

Copeland EcoFact:

Copeland™ scroll ZX refrigeration units are certified by Asercom for Energy-related product compliance and Ecodesign Lot1 readiness.