
The important role of heat pumps in a sustainable future

The heat pump is becoming the system of choice for sustainable comfort, helping residential, municipal and commercial facilities around the world heat and cool environments while also lowering energy costs, energy consumption and carbon footprints—which ultimately helps reduce the global impact of greenhouse gases. 

In areas with very cold winters, it's often more energy efficient to adopt a dual fuel heat pump system which consists of an electric heat pump and a gas furnace that alternates between systems depending on the season, temperature and the function needed, to maximize efficiency and effectively heat and cool all year long.  

Achieve greater efficiency and compressor protection with the White-Rodgers universal heat pump defrost control

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Increased efficiency and cost savings

  • Select demand vs. timed defrost to use
    less electricity 

  • Integrated outdoor thermostat optimizes
    back-up heat operation 

Compressor protection

  • Brownout and short-cycle protection 

  • Demand defrost runs defrost cycle after 6
    hours to force system oil return 

  • Extends life of unit by eliminating extra
    cycling through demand defrost 

Universal replacement

  • Replaces virtually all single stage defrost

  • Save time and money by eliminating extra

Easy installation and set up

  • One step configuration to any OEM

  • Multi-positional matrix display  

  • Removable 24V wiring harnesses 

Heat Pump Controls


Universal Defrost Control


SureSwitch Multi-Volt Contactor

BFK 083S

Filters Driers | BFK BI Directional Liquid Line Filters Driers

BSB Builder Series Bi-Directional Filter Driers

BSB Builders Series Bi-Directional Filter Driers 

TXV Connect with plate

Thermostatic Expansion Valves | TXV Connect Kits


Thermostatic Expansion Valves | NXT Series


Air Handler Controls

A-AS 597


Heating Controls

All Heating Controls