
Copeland™ Scroll Booster

A distributed scroll booster architecture developed by Emerson to help food retailers meet their sustainability and energy consumption goals using a familiar operating footprint.

Architecture Designed for Sustainable Supermarket Refrigeration

Achieving lower-GWP refrigeration and energy efficiency within a familiar operating footprint.

Utilizes a lower-GWP A1 refrigerant to meet sustainability goals. Provides a 56% reduction in GWP compared to R-134a.
Pre-configured components allow for a simple set-up, commissioning and operation.
Integrates seamlessly with Emerson’s new Lumity™ E3 supervisory control and Dixell™ refrigeration controllers.
The architecture was designed with familiar operating principles in mind, making it easy for technicians and end users to service and maintain the equipment.
By leveraging low-pressure A1 refrigerants, the system architecture provides peace of mind to technicians during installation and servicing.
At the heart of the architecture, the dependable Copeland scroll compressor provides consistent temperatures, delivering predictable performance and operation.

Are you interested in learning more about this architecture?

If you’re interested to learn how the Copeland scroll booster architecture can help your operations or project balance sustainability, serviceability, flexibility, fill out the form and one of our team experts will contact you.


White Paper - Distributed Scroll Booster Architecture for Sustainable Supermarket RefrigerationEnglish, FrançaisPDF2 MBDownload